Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Egy eladott lemez, az pontosan egy eladott lemez...

lehetne az ECM lemezkiadó jelszava.

Az ECM (Edition of Contemporary Music) német lemezcéget 1969-ben alapította Manfred Eicher, s azóta is a cég művészeti vezetője. Kezdetben elsősorban jazz-kiadványai voltak (több azóta neves jazz-zenészt fedezett fel), hosszabb idő óta a kortárs zene egyik legfontosabb műhelye, az "ECM-hangzás" megteremtője (több Kurtág lemezt is kiadott).


Ma kaptam az alábbi levelet:

Dear ECM Newsletter Subscriber!

Manfred Eicher is voted Producer of the Year and ECM Records is Label of the Year 2008 in the DownBeat Critics Poll: this double-win is announced in the August issue of the US jazz magazine, which includes full results of their 56th Annual International Critics Poll.The awards arrive as Munich-based ECM, founded 1969, approaches its 40th anniversary year. While Eicher won DownBeat's Top Producer award in 1976, and ECM was Label of the Year in 1980, the 2008 poll marks the first occasion that label and producer have simultaneously held the #1 slot.

Manfred Eicher and his independent label have received significant recognition over the years, including Eicher's Grammy for Classical Producer of the Year in 2002. In 2007 ECM received awards as both Classical Label of the Year and Jazz Label of the Year (prizes from, respectively, the MIDEM Classical Awards in Cannes, and the Jazz Journalists Association).

Best wishes, Your ECM Records Team


Mint a mesében!... Mi a titka? Csinálni kell! Maholnap negyven éve!

[V.ö. ITT! ]

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