Thursday, November 22, 2007

Philip Glass új lemeze...

Közös színpadi produkció Bob Wilsonnal!

Over the last three years, Bob Wilson and I have been meeting to work on a new theater piece, "Monsters of Grace". Since "Einstein on the Beach" in '76, we have come together on several occasions to make new work, but unlike those projects, with this present work, we have had a real opportunity to sit together and engage in a new world of ideas. Of course image, music, and structure are at the root of what we are thinking. We are, moreover, addressing a challenge of a new technology and it's impact on a developing artistic view. It is fair to say that as an ongoing process, it is still fluid, elusive, and for us, full of surprise.
© Philip Glass 1997 (A felvétel tehát évtizedes, a lemez azonban most jelent meg!)

Belehallgatni: ITT

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