Tuesday, June 05, 2012

Philippe GentyMary Underwood
(La Fin des Terres)
Mozgásszínház: tánc, ének, zaj, zene, pantomim, bábjáték…
Darabok, jelenetek sorjáznak és mégis egész!
Említeni kell a zenét (összeállította: Serge Houppin és Henry Torgue).
(Ha valakit kiváncsivá tettem, akkor a Mezzo tévében megnézheti még: június 9-én, szombaton, reggel 9:30-kor látható az egész!)
La Fin des Terres (Lands End)
Choreography by Philippe Genty and Mary Underwood
Using puppetry, illusion and physical theatre, La fin des Terres is a journey though a world of limitless possibility. Genty, who is a master of illusion, dives deep into the subconscious and creates a series of extraordinary tableaux which are by turn whimsical, melancholy, and playful. The work follows the journey of two people, conjuring a cast of enigmatic characters to reveal secret emotions and hidden histories. Breathing life into huge animated forms that drift along on a surreal journey, Genty continues his captivating and passionate exploration of undiscovered worlds with puppetry, illusion and mime.
(A Mezzo programból)
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